Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I know you're probably wondering how old my Gomo is but grown-ups are all weird about that stuff so I promised her I wouldn't tell and my lips are sealed.

(oh, ya, and mommy's friend Adrienne, if you're reading this, I heard about the kids on your skiing vacation and I just wanted to say that my mom brings quiet games and toys to restaurants and makes me sit in my chair and keep my voice low so that we don't disturb the other patrons. I hope this helps to restore your faith in us crib-midgets. Some of us reserve our annoying behaviour for our parents exclusively.)

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

Julian, you can travel with me any time you want...you are WAAYY cooler than these kids.
We could bring a better board game with us - maybe Dora or Diego and be all like hey kids look at us, we are at the cool table playing a way awesom-er game (then they might look at us funny cause none of them spoke English...but still, they would know we were the cooler kids)