Saturday, July 7, 2007

Nascar, Here I Come!

Well, some pretty exciting things have happened recently. Not least of all, I've become a champion race-car driver, as you can see here. I don't know who that old guy is, but he seems to think I'm all-that-and-a-bag-of-chips so he can stay.

I do have a secret to confide, however. It's true that photoshop can make things seem a little more "Hollywood" than they really are. So I've included a few photos of me in my new race car that mommy took so you can get the true picture.

I wonder if I make this face and squeeze really hard if I can make all my hair stand up?

Cooooooool - it worked!

Hey... wait just one cotton-pickin second... What are you guys all laughing at?

... whatever, I still look super fly. *honk honk!*

I have to go spray some champagne around now so I'll catch you guys later!