Monday, March 31, 2008

Pssshhht - these adults need to GROW UP

So this is what I can only assume is the toddler equivalent to a frat party where the first person to pass out gets tormented and has pictures taken of them wearing lipstick graffiti and a beer cup as a hat. It's no secret that I absolutely must sleep with my blue hippo (pictured here wedged behind my neck) what you may not know is that my mother still sleeps with a stuffed rabbit and my father sleeps with a green string that used to be a pillow or something? (ya, I totally didn't stand a chance). So I guess they thought it would be funny to decorate me with their own sleeping paraphernalia and take pictures of me while I slept. Weirdos. I sooo don't "get" adults.

Like, come on. You think this is funny? Let a kid sleep in peace.
On another note, can you see where I get my eyebrows?