Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Earth Day

What a sec... is it the 22nd today? Did I miss it? Tell me I didn't miss it. Why am I always a day behind? Is it still Tuesday in Uzbekistan?

Well, anyway, it's the thought that counts.

Monday, April 14, 2008

1st Haircut!

Anyone who has been reading my blog for a while knows that my hair has been an ongoing cause for concern. It's been... well... patchy at best. But recently I've noticed a new phenomenon. What was once sparse and lacking had become... frizzy and out of control (see left).

So we had a family meeting and together we decided that it was time that I get a haircut.

Mom was gunning for a professional job but dad insisted that he knew what he was doing. They handed me a banana to occupy me and dad just started cutting.

Uh... dude, what do you mean, "oops"?
Anyway, another brief family meeting and car-ride later we ended up here.
So... the start of my first haircut has made me a little scissor-shy. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions? Do you have any credentials and/or references I can check?

Ah yes. I look good. You have proven yourself worthy. I shall be back (if not for the haircut then for the room full of balls in the back)

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Progress Report

Hi, it's me - Julian's mom. I'm posting on Julian's blog today not so much for his fans but for myself. I'm not so good and writing down milestones and I already find myself thinking, "when did Julian start..." or "when he was xx months old, could he...?" so a few nights ago as I was putting him to bed he said to me "Mommy, help! I have milk in my nose. It's not supposed to be in my nose, it's supposed to be in my mouth." And I thought, "Huh, that's a pretty complex sentence - not a single word was missed or mispronounced. I should write that one down somewhere for posterity." and thus, here I am. He can also recognize almost all the letters of the alphabet and say their sounds (he's actually better at the sounds than the names) and he does this really cute thing where he tries to fake me out and if I show him a letter he says, "Hmm... I don't think I know that one..." and puts a finger to his lips and does some more "Hmm"ing and sometimes throws in a "let me think about it" and then pulls it out with gusto: "IT'S AN 'R'! The R says rrrrrrrrr!!"

Anyway, it's too cute and I want to remember it!

Friday, April 4, 2008


So you wanna know HOW I know that I got it aaaalll figured out in just two measly years here on earth?
- I got hot ladies in pink all over me
- I got friends in high places who can get me out of speeding tickets
- I'm rockin these mad shades, yo

uh, dude, would you mind crouching down again? It's a lot better for my image.