Saturday, March 31, 2007


Hi everyone! Tonight we went to my Riley family's house for dinner. It was a lot of fun. Mommy and Daddy forgot to bring my travel highchair so I sat on Mommy's lap at dinner & squirmed around so much that Mommy got fed up and put me down so I could run around and explore (works every time). That was great until I slammed my fingers in the lid of a wooden potato bin. Ouch. That smarts. Here's a picture of me with my Uncle Paul. Hey, Unky Paul, aren't you getting married soon? Can I come to your stag? Don't listen to Mommy, I'm totally up for the party.

Here's a picture of the steak I ate for dinner. Pretty impressive , huh? Okay, Daddy had a little of it, too, but I ate most of it... well, some of it... okay, fine, Daddy just gave me a bite but I had a late lunch.

I love going to other peoples' houses for dinner because they let me do things I'm never allowed to do at home. Like, sit & stare at dessert before dinner's even over. Um, could someone please give me a hand with this protective covering? I promise not to put my fingers in the icing... (as if, heh heh heh)

...and drink red wine. Yum.
Whew, drinking sure makes you sleepy, though. I'm ready to go to bed. Or is it considered "passing out" now that I'm a booze-hound? Anyway, night-night everyone! I'll have more adventures to report on soon.