Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Earth Day

Monday, April 14, 2008
1st Haircut!

So we had a family meeting and together we decided that it was time that I get a haircut.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Progress Report
Anyway, it's too cute and I want to remember it!
Friday, April 4, 2008
Monday, March 31, 2008
Pssshhht - these adults need to GROW UP

Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Hey, it's me - Mom
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

This post is dedicated to my Gomo ("Gomo" is Korean for "aunt") (...although, I have another Korean aunt who isn't a Gomo, she's a Kunuma... it's all very confusing and once I figure it out myself I'll hold a blog tutorial). Anyway, it's Gomo's birthday tomorrow but we went for dinner on Saturday night. Here's a pictures of Gomo and Sammy. It looks like Sammy's holding up a carrot but that's actually a crayon. She's all, "ya, that's my orange crayon, yo."

(oh, ya, and mommy's friend Adrienne, if you're reading this, I heard about the kids on your skiing vacation and I just wanted to say that my mom brings quiet games and toys to restaurants and makes me sit in my chair and keep my voice low so that we don't disturb the other patrons. I hope this helps to restore your faith in us crib-midgets. Some of us reserve our annoying behaviour for our parents exclusively.)
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Old McDonalds

My mom's been really bad about taking the camera with us when we go out. Oh yeah, she's also been... I don't know, like, working and looking for a job and a bunch of other *yawn* stuff but I wasn't really listening.
In any case, here's an update for you: mommy, daddy and I went and met my auntie Sandra, my cousin Samantha and Harmuny (that's Korean for "grandma", ya that's right - I'm all bilingual and stuff) for breakfast at McDonalds. We lived it up in the playground but there were some pretty intimidating big kids playing in there so we convinced mom to come with us for our first few trips through the climber (pictured above). She was kind of a downer, though, and kept complaining about the heat and the pee-stink inside the plastic tubes, plus she slowed us down, so we ditched her pretty quickly.
Oh, ya, and I know what you're thinking: who the hell's that kid on the left? Ya, we're not sure. I'm kind of getting used to the fans hanging around. I try to sign some autographs and let them inch their way into a few pictures - ya know, keep my public happy.
Anyway, I'll update again soon! I'm going to school tomorrow morning with Mommy so maybe we'll take some pictures there.