Friday, March 16, 2007

It's been a LOOOOOONG time!

Hey everyone! I'm sorry it's been so long since I last updated my blog. I caught a bit of a flu and haven't been feeling 100%. I'm feeling much better now so I'll catch you up on my entire week.

This picture isn't significant in any way except that you can see the light glinting through my hair... eh? eh? see that? Light doesn't glint through hair that doesn't exist so as you can see it's coming in REAL NICE! Before you know it I'll have enough for a proper comb-over.

Mommy and Daddy bought me a big box of diapers that they left in the livingroom. I discovered that diapers aren't only functional... they're fun. You can climb on them, sit on them, jump on them and as they start to diminish in number you can actually fit yourself INTO the box they come in and it's kind of like a little fort.

which was great until... I got stuck.
Dear god, would someone get some Crisco & a shoehorn? My foot's falling asleep... PLEEEAAAAASSSSSSE HURRY!

After the whole box trauma Daddy gave me a loaf of bread to make me feel better. You would think it would take more than that to erase such painful memories but... it totally worked. That loaf was a helluva good time.

The highlight of my week was that on Tuesday the weather was really warm (although it doesn't look that nice in the pic) and my girlfriend Natalie came and picked me up and we went for a walk & got to swing on the swings down by the water. I haven't been on a swing since the fall - it was really nice.

Here's a picture of our crazy moms galavanting while Natalie and I were on the swings. They may have been drunk, we're not sure. All Natalie and I know is that they are embarassing with a capital "E".
WARNING: what happened next isn't for the fainthearted. If you have a weak stomach you may want to stop reading here.

So there we were, walking by the water, enjoying the nice weather and scintillating conversation when we gazed out toward the horizon and...

...this big-ass swan started going to town on a dead fish! He was EATING it! I do NOT want to see that! Who am I, David Suzuki?

As you can see, I was pretty disturbed by the whole thing. Afterall, I do consider myself something of a lover of wildlife - and that includes both land and sea animals.

Natalie, on the other hand, is totally hard-core. She was all, "Cool corpse... Hey, Ma, can you wheel me in for a closer look?"
What a week! Flu... dead fish... almost losing my lower extremities in a box-climbing incident. No wonder I didn't have any time left for blogging. But I do feel much better and promise to update more often from here on in!

Talk to you soon!