Thursday, March 22, 2007


Hey everyone! Today I went to Nathan's and for a while we hung out in his crib... I realize there's some kind of double entendre there that has to do with gangsta lingo. Mommy explained it to me and I smiled & nodded but, to tell you the truth, I still don't really get it. All I know is that Nathan and I played... in his crib.... for real.

Let's kick some tunes here, brutha. How do you turn this thing on?

Hear that base? Mom, fire up the stroller we need to go in search of a dance par-tay.

This evening my friend Tyeler came to visit me (she's actually my god-sister so we're kinda family). We had tons of fun. She played with me and all my toys and showed me how to put my puzzles together (it's harder than it sounds). We even ate ice cream & mandarin orange sundaes. Then she showed me Avril Lavigne's new video on YouTube. I'm soooooo hip.

My Auntie Kiley is Tyeler's mom. Here she is holding me, but... wait. Auntie Kiley! Wake up! I don't want you to drop me. Or worse, drop hippo.

ah, that's better. Now I shall simply assume my superman pose and... UP, UP, AND AWAY!

(later! love, jules)