Yesterday was a fantastic day - I got three new things! The first was a new tooth. For anyone who's keeping track, that makes number six. Three on the top, three on the bottom.
The second new thing I got was this magnetic farm that sticks on the fridge. It comes with a bunch of animals that are cut in two & when you get the front half and the back half of an animal into the farm at the same time it sings a song to tell you that you made a match. I love the music & even dance to it. I can't imagine EVER getting tired of this toy. A couple of times Mommy & Daddy accidentally turned the sound off when I wasn't around. Good thing I figured out very quickly how to turn it back on!
Sunday, March 25, 2007
I thought I'd randomly include this picture in today's post of crazy Mommy & Daddy. Daddy has something called "spicy calabrese" hanging out of his mouth. I'm posting this picture to make the point that I DO NOT understand grown up humour. They were laughing like crazy taking this picture and yet when someone sneezes and I crack up no one else seems to think it's funny at all! Weird-o-rama.
Then yesterday evening Mommy went to a party without me. I was pretty angry (I mean, what's a party without little ol' me?) so I made Daddy miserable by deciding not to go to sleep & then crying for a loooooong time. I cried so much that Daddy called Mommy to come home from the party (which was my plan all along... sometimes it's just too easy, heh heh heh). But before she left she took this picture of a town crier. This just confirms I should have been at the party because apparently not too many of them have town criers.
Anyhoo, after the crying episode you'd think I'd have been too tired to wake Mommy & Daddy up in the middle of the night but... nuh-uh! I did it! I'm like a professional waker-upper. I'm kind of suffering today for all my antics. I'm a little tired. So I'm going to go to bed. I may not even wake up in the night. We'll see how it goes.
Anyhoo, after the crying episode you'd think I'd have been too tired to wake Mommy & Daddy up in the middle of the night but... nuh-uh! I did it! I'm like a professional waker-upper. I'm kind of suffering today for all my antics. I'm a little tired. So I'm going to go to bed. I may not even wake up in the night. We'll see how it goes.
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