Sunday, April 8, 2007


Hi everyone!

Well, seeing as it was the holiday weekend, I've been taking things easy and here I am relaxing with my morning coffee yesterday.

Oh, I almost forgot to roll up my rim. I hope to win the flat-screen tv for my bedroom.

Today my cousins came over to celebrate Easter. It was great because the Easter Bunny had come by and hidden some chocolate eggs and he didn't skimp - there were probably 100 eggs and so my cousins helped find them all. I mean, I don't need all that chocolate myself (it is almost bathing-suit season).

Here's my cousin Sammy with her eggs (and Moby is also featured going in for a little Sammy love)

My cousin Ally was definitely the most ruthless of the egg-hunters. She'll steal an egg from right under your nose if you're not careful. You can even see here that she has her game-face on.
Ally: "I pity the fool who tries to mess with my eggs..."

and here's my biggest cousin, Matthew, with his eggs (and a fat lip that he got at school this week).

Here's a group shot of the cousins that our mommies tried to coordinate. I'm all, "Whoop-dee-do (get me outta here)".
Now check out this action shot. This is what happens when you try to reason with your older female cousins while they're trying to break into a bathroom.

Me: "hey ladies, why don't you let Auntie Sandra do her business in peace?"

Them: "Did you hear something? Cuz I didn't" *thump*

...and next thing I know I'm on the ground! Geez. Women.

Well, g'night everyone!

