Monday, March 19, 2007


It was Papa's birthday yesterday so Mommy, Daddy, Nana and I all met him for coffee in the afternoon. It was a good opportunity to take some pics for me to post but silly Mommy forgot to bring back-up camera batteries and the ones in the camera died almost as soon as we got there. Mommy did manage to get this picture of her cappuccino (because that's SOOOOO important... pictures of me with my Papa on his birthday are, I guess, not quite as important! Silly Mommy).

She did take this one of her and me but my eyes aren't even open.

and a couple of Daddy smothering me with kisses. She didn't get any of Papa, the guest of honour, unfortunately. I'll have to go back to Papa's house another day soon and take some pictures to post.

*sigh* and then it was Monday again and Mommy & Daddy have decided I should start earning my keep around here so I got myself a job. The dress is business casual but I thought I should impress management by wearing a tie on my first day.

JUST JOKING! I'm too small to have a job. I am signing up for Kindergym again, though, so that's KIND of like a job.

I'll talk to you soon!

