Saturday, March 31, 2007

Hi everyone! Tonight we went to my Riley family's house for dinner. It was a lot of fun. Mommy and Daddy forgot to bring my travel highchair so I sat on Mommy's lap at dinner & squirmed around so much that Mommy got fed up and put me down so I could run around and explore (works every time). That was great until I slammed my fingers in the lid of a wooden potato bin. Ouch. That smarts. Here's a picture of me with my Uncle Paul. Hey, Unky Paul, aren't you getting married soon? Can I come to your stag? Don't listen to Mommy, I'm totally up for the party.

I love going to other peoples' houses for dinner because they let me do things I'm never allowed to do at home. Like, sit & stare at dessert before dinner's even over. Um, could someone please give me a hand with this protective covering? I promise not to put my fingers in the icing... (as if, heh heh heh)
Thursday, March 29, 2007

As you can imagine, all this playground time makes me pretty tired. Last night I even let mommy & daddy sleep through the night. Mommy keeps threatening to start sleep-training me in a couple of weeks so I figure if I throw her a bone here and there maybe we can avoid that unpleasantness.
Off to bed! Talk to you soon,
Off to bed! Talk to you soon,
Sunday, March 25, 2007

The second new thing I got was this magnetic farm that sticks on the fridge. It comes with a bunch of animals that are cut in two & when you get the front half and the back half of an animal into the farm at the same time it sings a song to tell you that you made a match. I love the music & even dance to it. I can't imagine EVER getting tired of this toy. A couple of times Mommy & Daddy accidentally turned the sound off when I wasn't around. Good thing I figured out very quickly how to turn it back on!

Anyhoo, after the crying episode you'd think I'd have been too tired to wake Mommy & Daddy up in the middle of the night but... nuh-uh! I did it! I'm like a professional waker-upper. I'm kind of suffering today for all my antics. I'm a little tired. So I'm going to go to bed. I may not even wake up in the night. We'll see how it goes.
Thursday, March 22, 2007

Hey everyone! Today I went to Nathan's and for a while we hung out in his crib... I realize there's some kind of double entendre there that has to do with gangsta lingo. Mommy explained it to me and I smiled & nodded but, to tell you the truth, I still don't really get it. All I know is that Nathan and I played... in his crib.... for real.

This evening my friend Tyeler came to visit me (she's actually my god-sister so we're kinda family). We had tons of fun. She played with me and all my toys and showed me how to put my puzzles together (it's harder than it sounds). We even ate ice cream & mandarin orange sundaes. Then she showed me Avril Lavigne's new video on YouTube. I'm soooooo hip.
Monday, March 19, 2007

It was Papa's birthday yesterday so Mommy, Daddy, Nana and I all met him for coffee in the afternoon. It was a good opportunity to take some pics for me to post but silly Mommy forgot to bring back-up camera batteries and the ones in the camera died almost as soon as we got there. Mommy did manage to get this picture of her cappuccino (because that's SOOOOO important... pictures of me with my Papa on his birthday are, I guess, not quite as important! Silly Mommy).

*sigh* and then it was Monday again and Mommy & Daddy have decided I should start earning my keep around here so I got myself a job. The dress is business casual but I thought I should impress management by wearing a tie on my first day.
JUST JOKING! I'm too small to have a job. I am signing up for Kindergym again, though, so that's KIND of like a job.
I'll talk to you soon!
Friday, March 16, 2007
It's been a LOOOOOONG time!

This picture isn't significant in any way except that you can see the light glinting through my hair... eh? eh? see that? Light doesn't glint through hair that doesn't exist so as you can see it's coming in REAL NICE! Before you know it I'll have enough for a proper comb-over.

Mommy and Daddy bought me a big box of diapers that they left in the livingroom. I discovered that diapers aren't only functional... they're fun. You can climb on them, sit on them, jump on them and as they start to diminish in number you can actually fit yourself INTO the box they come in and it's kind of like a little fort.

The highlight of my week was that on Tuesday the weather was really warm (although it doesn't look that nice in the pic) and my girlfriend Natalie came and picked me up and we went for a walk & got to swing on the swings down by the water. I haven't been on a swing since the fall - it was really nice.
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Nana and Papa and Cheese, Oh My!

Today was very exciting. Mommy's gone to "work" for the week which means she leaves early in the morning and only gets home in time for my bath. Fortunately it's only short-term. The good thing about it is that I get to go on outings with Nana. Today we went and met Papa for coffee. Coffee means you litter a table with snacks and drinks and get to pick whatever you like from the booty.
Saturday, March 3, 2007
It's been a while!
Hi everyone. I'm sorry I haven't blogged for a while. At the beginning of the week Mommy couldn't find the camera (because I had strategically placed it between two of the couch cushions) and then, when she did find it, she kept forgetting to bring it with us when we went anywhere. Plus, it wasn't a very eventful week.
The only really exciting thing that happened was a huge snow and ice storm on Thursday. Mommy and I drove home from Nathan's house in the storm. It took us three hours and I didn't sleep at all the whole time! The cars weren't moving at all for part of the trip, though, so Mommy didn't have to concentrate. She just turned around in her seat and played with me.
The only really exciting thing that happened was a huge snow and ice storm on Thursday. Mommy and I drove home from Nathan's house in the storm. It took us three hours and I didn't sleep at all the whole time! The cars weren't moving at all for part of the trip, though, so Mommy didn't have to concentrate. She just turned around in her seat and played with me.
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