Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Without Allie around the corner these days I have to rely on mom to play with me so when I'm on the see-saw she gets on the other side but, let's face it, she's too heavy and instead of enjoying the fun she's all lame and tries to take pictures of me. That's why when she told me to smile I made this face instead.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Other than the aforementioned move everything's been pretty status quo - I've been playing, eating, running around, shoving things in DVD players and other A/V equipment, you know... the usual. In fact I don't really have much to blog about so I'll post a couple of pics from my playdate last weekend.

I hung out with my big cousin, Sammy. We went swimming and then went to the park near Sammy's house. She showed me around (as pictured above) and introduced me to a few key people. Then something very exciting happened: we came face-to-face with our first BULLY! YES people, that's what I said, a real, honest to goodness bully! It was something up until then that I'd only heard about in books. A girl tried to keep us off the monkey bars and kept shouting "NO" and held her foot out near my head like she was going to kick me (lucky for her she didn't try anything or I would have had to show her my super-south-korean death grip. Pray you never need to know more about it than what was just revealed). Our tactic was to just hang back and wait for her to move away and then we went climbing anyway... ha ha, sucker. Our moms were pretty proud of us and didn't have to step in once.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Please Stand By...
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Nature vs. Nurture
You know what I really enjoy doing? Running without purpose or direction. Oh, and yelling while I do it. I wonder where I get it from?
Thursday, July 19, 2007
2 minutes in the park
Sunday, July 15, 2007

It was my cousin Sammy's 2nd birthday party today - whooo hooooo! I do love a good party. Above there's a pic of Sammy with her cake (and he-hem, a certain handsome young man featured in the background) (no, Daddy, I don't mean you). And below is a pic of Sammy enjoying some of the fun and games at the "Kid Zone/Fun Land/Don't Make Your Mom and Dad Clean Up The Mess After Five Zillion Toddlers Have O.D.ed On Sugar" party location.

Not only did they have a slide and some balls... they had a bouncy castle. Have I ever told you how much I enjoy a good bouncy castle? Well I do. I really, really, really do. And so I bounced. I bounced like I've never bounced before...

But, alas, all good things must come to a screeching & freaking painful end... Look at me... Look at my beautiful face. I look like a reject from last night's bare-knuckle underground fight club meeting. In actual fact this was caused by nothing nearly as cool as that but simply what we'll from here-on-in refer to as the bouncy castle "incident" of 2007 involving some particularly rough carpeting and a husky young girl named Ruth (it's a biblical name, yes, but let me tell you there was nothing Christian about this pint-sized hussy). I may never now strut the runways of Milan... *sigh*... Well, I'd better go learn to read or something. Looks like I'm going to have to rely on my brains afterall.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Calling all web-surfers that are 3-apples-high (like me). Something to try: when mom gives you a snack in a bowl (fish crackers work well for this), try taking it over to the couch and dumping it all over the place and stomping the bits into the rug a little. It's fun because then you get to watch your mom take apart all the furniture and carry stuff outside to shake it into the backyard and once you've swept everything up and thrown it outside, squirrels come right up to the door to eat your leftover snack bits! It's like African Lion Safari... Ya, that's what a said - African Lion Safari... Hey, listen, some of those squirrels can get pretty aggressive, alright?
Anyway, the other cool thing is that while mom's distracted & cleaning everything up it'll give you a chance to throw her cell phone into the toilet.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Nascar, Here I Come!

Well, some pretty exciting things have happened recently. Not least of all, I've become a champion race-car driver, as you can see here. I don't know who that old guy is, but he seems to think I'm all-that-and-a-bag-of-chips so he can stay.
I do have a secret to confide, however. It's true that photoshop can make things seem a little more "Hollywood" than they really are. So I've included a few photos of me in my new race car that mommy took so you can get the true picture.
Monday, July 2, 2007
measuring up...

I still enjoy checking out the ladies, though, as they walk by (okay, maybe it was a dog... but it might have been a lady dog)
Friday, May 25, 2007

1) Hi
2) Bye
3) Cheese
4) Cold
5) Uh-oh
6) No
7) Oh no
8) Moo
9) Nay
10) Baa
11) Meow
12) Woof
13) Car
14) Truck
15) Bubble
16) Hat
17) Mommy
18) Dada
19) Nana
20) Momo (some of you may know Momo has "Moby" our cat)
21) More
22) Poo-poo
23) Water (I only said this one once, but I think it still counts)
I think there are more but *yawn* I'm kinda tired. I'm going to go to sleep and I'll continue the list tomorrow if I think of any more.
Bye guys! Sorry it's been so long since I blogged. I'll try to get mom to be more on the ball.
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Please, help put an end to the suffering. Donate today.
(by the way, I've been very busy going to the park and the zoo and I say lots of new words, like, "hi" and "cheese"... It's been an exciting time. Too bad you missed it. Just pick up the phone and have your credit card handy).
Sunday, April 8, 2007

Today my cousins came over to celebrate Easter. It was great because the Easter Bunny had come by and hidden some chocolate eggs and he didn't skimp - there were probably 100 eggs and so my cousins helped find them all. I mean, I don't need all that chocolate myself (it is almost bathing-suit season).
Here's my cousin Sammy with her eggs (and Moby is also featured going in for a little Sammy love)

Me: "hey ladies, why don't you let Auntie Sandra do her business in peace?"
Them: "Did you hear something? Cuz I didn't" *thump*
...and next thing I know I'm on the ground! Geez. Women.
Well, g'night everyone!
Friday, April 6, 2007
Saturday, March 31, 2007

Thursday, March 29, 2007